Monday, April 8, 2013

Okay....Who'd We Piss Off? AJSIE at War...

It seems we have caused some ruffles in New Eden, and [AJSIE] has ticked some people and corporations off.

A pretty busy weekend for my EVE-Mail inbox, as I had received at first an extortion letter from Stryker McGavin demanding 100 million ISK or we will be hunted down. Not too notable an issue, aside from the affiliation of his current corporation, ROME0-The First One is Always Free.

ROME0 is a member of TEST, who of course needs no introductions from a miner in Anttiri.

So Why?

Someone placed a bounty on us supposedly, yet no bounty amount shows against the AJSIE corporation. So... a personal contract then, agreed to with a corporation allied with TEST, to hunt down members of a small HiSec industrial corp...

As I have said... we pissed someone off.

To add to the fun, the next day, Kingdom of Demons [K-O-D] declares war on us...  This one is a little easier to understand.

The little thief, Murhain Agittain, amuses himself by buzzing around in a slave transport, stealing ore from unsecured cans in hisec. Of course this is only to instigate a retaliatory response so he and his bored buds have new corps to declare war on.

Bring It....

My usual sign off would be peace...  I don't think that will apply for awhile...
